Sex: Female
Born: May 4, 2017
Loving Adoptive Parents: Peggy Thomas - Denton, TX
Loving Sponsors: Ginger Parker - Hurst, TX
On August 16th, 2017 CARE staff took a trip several states away to pick up a special package. Early in the morning on the 17th, they arrived at CARE with a little bundle of stripes and snuffles - a 3-4-month-old female tiger.
An individual had contacted us weeks before asking if we could take in, and permanently care for, this young tiger with an uncertain future. She was a bit small for her age, and unfortunately arrived with a broken leg, but she was equal parts sweet and spunky - per usual tiger fashion. We held a little contest that involved both CARE staff & volunteers and CARE supporters to find this little girl a new name and we ended up with Zara - a name just as pretty as her sweet face.
Now Zara lives with another young tigress who we took in just a few months after Zara arrived, Mika. The two girls are perfect for each other!