Sex: Female
Born: May 10, 2003
Loving Adoptive Parents: Rasa Poorman – Novi, MI
Loving Sponsors: Elizabeth Young - Rohnert Park, CA; Amber Wcisel - Metamora, MI; and Emily Thompson - Pembroke, MA
Rasa is a very frisky orange tiger who shares an enclosure with Sydney, another orange tigress.
Rasa is a very sweet, curious, and playful kitty- and many times she can be found crouching down behind the tall grass that surrounds the fence of her enclosure. When she does this, she’ll usually be waiting for some unsuspecting person to walk by so that she can jump up and scare the living daylights out of them! It is definitely during times like these when a person can really appreciate the strength of our enclosures!
Rasa also had to suffer from incisors that had grown in crooked for years. A while back we received a huge helping hand to remove these teeth and make Rasa much more comfortable. You can read the full story here.
While eating became much easier for Rasa, she has been left with a bit of an "Elvis lip" due to the removal of one of her teeth. Her upper lip gets caught on her crooked lower tooth sometimes giving her that signature snarl! Even if she looks grumpy because of the snarl, she is rarely in a bad mood! To us, Rasa is the very definition of "cute as a button"!