Sex: Male
Born: November 18, 2016
Loving Adoptive Parents: Bodega Speakeasy & Grocery - Fort Worth, TX and Mary Lewis - Nashua, NH
Loving Sponsors: Winter Wiorkowski - Fort Worth, TX and Ali Marie Matheson - Battle Ground, WA
Munchkin – or Munchie for short - is a Golden Tabby (also called Blond or Strawberry) tiger that came from a private facility that was closed along with several other cats. His unique coloring is caused by a recessive gene, and while this color variation has been documented rarely in wild Bengal populations, tigers like him in captivity are usually bred specifically to look like this.
Munchie is as sweet as he looks, but doesn't always have the ability to control his emotions. Along with his unusual coloring, Munchie has some mental issues as well as some physical ones. He is definitely a cat that needs special care, and a lot of love and patience. He has an endless list of quirks, but he has the most precious spirit. We love our unusual boy to bits!
You can read more about Munchie's arrival here.