Sex: Female
Born: June 6, 2005
Loving Adoptive Parent: Peggy Thomas – Weatherford, TX
Loving Sponsor: Kaydi Bigelow - Edgewood, MD
Lifetime Guardian: Gerard Van De Merghel – Pinion Hills, CA
Fire is a very special tiger and was a perfect little baby. She was growing well with no apparent abnormal development. When she was 8 weeks old she was administered the normal vaccinations for big cats of that age. Within hours she was totally unresponsive. She remained this way for 46 hours. She then began to wake from her coma. But, there was bad news...Fire was blind. As we scrambled for answers an angel from California stepped forward. Gerard Van De Merghel helped to ensure that Fire got the best medical care possible. Fire had a special animal ophthalmologist and neurologist to care for her along with her PCP, Dr. Bill. She slowly began to see better and better. After a year of medication and lots of love Fire became somewhat normal.
She will remain to be one of the most spoiled-rotten tigers of CARE. Fire is a testament to what CARE’s loving donors and CAREgivers can do for big cats in need. It is a true miracle that the tiny, fuzzy, blind baby ever made it to adulthood. While her eyesight will never be perfect, she otherwise happy and healthy!