Sex: Female
Born: 2009
Loving Adoptive Parents: Peggy Thomas – Weatherford, TX
Loving Sponsor: AVAILABLE
In December of 2011, CARE became home to a troop of ring-tailed lemurs. The group consisted of adults around the age of 2-years-old, one male and the rest female. They came from a breeding facility in Florida and were scheduled to be transported to a zoo in South America. They ended up not being able to take the lemurs, and so CARE was asked to provide them a home. We had a surprise in store for us though that we were not prepared for!
A short time after the adult lemurs arrived, all of the females began delivering babies. Rita ended up having twins - Jaker and Roscoe. We weren't even aware that the females in the troop were all pregnant when they arrived.
Rita the Ring-tail is super, super sweet! She loves people and is so very gentle. Because of her gentle nature and the way she lovingly cared for her twins when they were babies, we chose Rita as the adoptive mom of an orphan little lemur that brought to us, Momo. Rita has proved her motherly nature once again by adopting and caring for a baby that desperately needed a family!