April 1, 1994 - March 15, 2014
Loving Adoptive Parent: Daniel Byrum – Crowley, TX
We say another farewell to one of our big cats here at CARE. We chose to end the suffering of 19 year old Beauty. As many know, Beauty suffered from the crippling effects of a declaw operation performed many years before she called CARE home. Several months ago we moved her from a large habitat to the vet center to make her more comfortable. Although it was difficult for her to move around, she still would play and loved visitors. But, like with all of our aging cats, time is never on our side. Two weeks ago she stopped eating regularly and refused to take her meds. She was letting us know it was time. Only 3 weeks away from her 20th birthday, we knew we couldn't hold on to her any longer. Beauty was the last in a group of 4 mountain lions (including her sweet sister Beast, gentle-giant Tazz, and playful and pretty Majanna) that CARE took in 6 years ago from a closing zoo in Iowa. We are so glad that they all spent their final years at CARE, and hope that we gave them the best lives possible while they were with us. Beauty will now join her companions in our fondest memories.

Beauty's Bio
Beauty loves to pick on her enclosure-mate Tazz, who is twice her size, but she really is a sweet girl. She is a finicky eater who prefers chicken to beef. You may notice her limping, unfortunately she is forced to live with pain due to a botched declaw in her youth. We do our best to make her comfortable, but on cold mornings, it is still painful to watch her walk.